I did it.
I didn't even remember I wrote that last blog... Seeing it today, I remembered, of course, but everything...just...clicked.
For the last couple of three weeks, I've really been jonesing for some ink. Nothing too extravagant; I was debating between two works, actually.
1: A scripture on my ribs/back: "Let us run with perseverance, the race marked out for us."
- or -
2: "by Grace" and "through Faith".
I came back to my blog today, thinking it was just about time for the quarter-annual blog session. My last post... Well, it is flipped a little bit, but, Thy will *was* done. And I'll tell ya why...
Driving home from the gym on a lovely Saturday, I decided to head to an ink shop to find out if they'd be able to squeeze me in. I had one shop specifically in mind. As I was driving, I took a different way home with no real reason why. I decided to swing around and come back up the other way on a street I knew I could take. On this certian street, there was an ink shop I've heard rave reviews about, but also heard they were a little pricey, and it was tough to squeeze in if you've not been scheduled in the books for a while.
Eh - trying couldn't hurt anything, right? Right.
We try, we find out.
We found out. I was getting inked within half an hour. Why is this so awesome? It is awesome because the dude to inked me, Ray, had a *framed* picture of Jesus Christ right behind his iPod stand...and set to do his work on me while we listened to Casting Crowns, Third Day, and Lifehouse.
I've never, ever, ever been a repeast tattoo customer to any shop. I've now found a home for my ink to be done.
Thy will be done? Heck yes.