Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Goodness, gracious.

"Though grace, by faith."

That is going to be my next tattoo.

That's one thing that was discussed at church on Sunday. I love church. I love the feeling I get when I walk through the doors into church, and I love the feeling that I walk out the doors with. It is a happy, content, calm.

You can't do anything by yourself. Nothing. At all. That is an unbelievably hard concept to grasp, but once you do, once you finally let go - it is a kind of free that one cannot understand until it is personally felt. Whew. There's nothing a person can do on their own - everything is 'through grace' and only 'by faith'. By His grace, through our faith.

We walk.
We stumble.
We fall.
He picks us back up.
We walk again.
We stumble, again.
We fall...again.
Through His grace, we're picked back up...again.


Everything in this life is for Him. Everything. That's a haaaard thing to wrap a mind around, no?

When I go run in the morning, the afternoon, at night - I thank God that I'm able to. I thank God my physical body is well enough to exhaust itself time and time again. I thank God my test two years ago has only fueled the fire. I thank God for the fresh fruits and vegetables I'm able to nourish my body with. I...thank...God. For everything.

"I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." One of the most quotes scriptures, Philippians 4:13.

When I want to quit, His love keeps me going.
Thank You for the strength.